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Hook: Shrimp/Caddis #12-#18
Thread: Red, Black, Brown, Gray, or Olive 6/0
Head: Thread
Body: Thread
Wing Case: Rabbit Dubbing or substitute
Rib: Copper Wire
Tail: Wood Duck Fibers
Tying Instructions:
First attach the olive (Color of your choice) thread. Then tie on about 4 or 5 strands of wood duck fibers for the tail. The tail should be about 2/3 the length of the hook shank. After attaching the tail fibers, attach a piece of small wire, but don't wrap it foward yet. Now wrap your body of thread forward covering the hook up to the eye. Wrap the ribbing forward to the eye of the hook. Keeping the ribs evenly spaced apart. For the wingcase wrap your thread about 1/3 of the way back on the bend of the hook and pull on the thread to give yourself about 6 inches of thread hanging from the hook. Take you dubbing and roll it in between your fingers around the thread. Get it as to wrap around your thread almost like a new bigger looking thread. You want it to be thin and tight around the thread so you get a tight wingcase that won't come apart. Now wrap the dubbing forward around the hook, but only go about half the distance to the eye. After this take the unused dubbing off the thread if there is any and wrap the thread around the hook several times to get a head that is slightly larger than the ribbing but, smaller than the wingcase. Now tie off the thread and apply a dab of glue.
Fly Information:
This fly has worked great for me during the early season between February and April or May. This time of the year the fish it is colder where I fish and there aren't many bugs out (also tends to be less fishermen). It is best fished with a weight in front of the fly with an indicator and dead drifted.