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What are fly swaps?
Swaps are when a group of flytiers get together and tie flies for everybody else in the group. Each person ties however many flies there are people in the swap. All of the flies a person ties up are all the same fly. One person holds the swap, called the swapmeister, and everybody sends their flies to this person through the mail. Then the swapmeister distributes the flies so that everybody gets one of each of the flies tied by each of the flytiers. Swaps can range from about 10 people to 100.
Current Swaps
Past Swaps
The Dry Fly Swap has just finished up. Click on the link to see the flies that have been tied. So far I've only done two swaps off this site, there will be more to come, check back for information.
Emerger Swap
Dry Fly Swap