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V-Rib Midge
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Hook: Shrimp #16-#24
Thread: Red 6/0 or 8/0
Rib: Vinyl Ribbing
Tying Instructions:
Tie on your red thread. Place the thread at the back of the hook and tie on the vinyl ribbing. Wrap the thread to the eye of the hook. Then wrap the ribbing to the eye. In wrapping the ribbing to the front of the hook, make sure the flat side of the ribbing material is touching the hook. Tie off the fly.
Fly Information:
This is a very simple fly to tie if you have the right materials. Make sure your vinyl ribbing material is the right shade of red. Also make sure you didn't buy the hollow ribbing material, it will just flatten out on the hook. Then the final thing you need to make sure is that you got the ribbing material that is flat on one side. The round ribbing material will work, but will not look as nice when you are done. Most of the fish you will be fishing for with this fly will be very picky and you will catch a few more with the correct look to the fly. This is a popular fly for the Bighorn River in Montana.