Suspender Buzzer
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Tied by Iain Short for the Emerger Swap
Hook: Nymph Hook #10-#14
Thread: Black 6/0
Body: Pearl Mylar
Thorax: Peacock Herl
Suspender Ball: Foam bead wrapped in nylon stocking.
Tying Instructions:
First you want to attach your thread to the hook. Bring your thread to the back of the hook just past where the hook starts to bend. Attach you pearl mylar here and wrap your thread forward to about 2/3 the way up the hook shank. Wrap your mylar forward to the point where your thread is now, making sure to cover all parts of the hook. Tie down the mylar. Now take your foam ball and place it in a small piece of nylon stocking. Cover the entire ball with the stocking and make sure to have a tag end of stocking left. Then using your thread tie the foam ball and stocking down on the hook so that it lays over the eye of the hook. Attach it using the tag end of the nylon stocking. Then after finished applying the foam ball wrap your thread to where you get wrappig the mylar forward and attach 2 strands of peacock herl. Wrap your thread to just behind the foam ball and wrap the peacock herl up to this point. Tie off for your finished fly.
Fly Information:
This fly is named after the buzzers of Europe and the United Kingdom. Buzzers to the inhabitants there are the same as what we call chironomids or midges. This fly is intended to imitate the emergers of these insects. It can be tied with both the pearl color for the body or using gold. I have never used this fly, but can't wait to get a chance to try this one out!