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Parachute BWO

Parachute BWO
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Tied by Rob Poutre for the Dry Fly Swap

Hook: Dry Fly #18-#26
Thread: Olive 8/0
Body: 8/0 Olive thread
Post: White Darlon
Hackle:Medium Dunn (white)
Tail:2 Black Microfibetts

Tying Instructions:
Attach the thread to the hook and tie in two microfibbets that form a V at angle of 35 degrees or less. Then wrap the body witht he thread with the butt section tapering up to the thorax. Here tie in a bit of darlon for a post and wrap a few turns of thread around the base of the post to sturdy it up. Proceed to tie in an appropriately sized grade #1 medium Dunn hackle on the back side of the post at the shank. Use a tiny touch of superflue here to keep the tiny hackle from going anywhere or pulling out. Wrap up a turn or two and then down and secure the hackle off the back side of the post. Wrap the thread up behind the eye and tie off.

Fly Information:
Rob says this is a bug that he can't live without. It produces fish every month of the year and it can be a lot of fun catching fish on a hook this small. Tying this fly can take some practice, as it is a small fly. However it doesn't have many materials so it isn't too difficult if your eyesight is ok.