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Lyle Special
Click Here for a Larger Image
Hook: Streamer #2-#6
Thread: Black 3/0
Body: Brown Chenille
Legs: Yellow Rubber Legs
Tail: Black Marabou
Eyes: (Optional) Gold Eyes
Hackle: 1 strip of grizzle saddle hackle
Tying Instructions:
Before attaching your thread make sure to wrap on your lead. The amount of lead you use depends on how heavy you want the fly. I fish swift streams so I usually put two rows of lead on on the shank of my flies. Now attach your thread. If your going to use the gold eyes, then put those on now, wrapping figure 8's around the eyes to attach them to the shank. Use lots of thread to attach the eyes, as you don't want them moving after your done. Now about 2/3 of the way up the fly, from the tail, you want to put your legs. Use 2 strips of rubber legs about one and half times as long as the hook shank. Attach these in the same location. Attach them using figure 8 wraps around them. Then go back to about 1/3 the way up the fly and attach two more of these yellow legs. Now cut out a good amount of marabou for the tail. The tail on the fly should be slightly shorter than the hook shank. You can add some flash to the tail with some flashabou or Krystal Flash. Attach all the tail contents. Now attach your chenille in the same place as the tail. Attach one strip of grizzle saddle hackle in the same location. Wrap your thread to the eye of the hook. Now wrap your chenille forward to just behind the eye of the hook and tie it down. Then wrap the saddle hackle to the same spot and tie it down. Tie off for your finished fly.
Fly Information:
This fly is kind of a cross between the girdle bug and the wooly bugger. This is a great fly to use in the spring, but is not limited to that. You can see this fly from a mile away because of the yellow legs. Strip it in at a faily rapid pace and be ready for a hit at any time. In rivers it is best to fish this streamer and any other as close as you can get them to any logs or overhanging banks in a river. Anyplace a trout my be resting in hiding. The tail in the pic is also a little long, it should be a little shorter than the hook shank.