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Girdle Bug
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Hook: Streamer #2-#6
Thread: Black 3/0
Body: Black and Yellow Chenille
Hackle: 1 strip of grizzle saddle hackle
Legs: White Rubber Legs
Tying Instructions:
First you want to put on a very healthy amount of lead or other weight onto the fly. Wrap the hook shank completely with lead. Then wrap it back over the lead again, only this time wrap it at intervals so that you put about half as much lead on the fly as you did the first time going through. Attach your black thread of size 3/0. Cut four strips of white rubber legs for your fly. A good measuring stick for these strips is to make them all just a tad longer than the hook shank you are using. Now cut one of the strips in half. These two pieces are to be attached as the tail of the fly. Make sure you tie them on so that they don't just lie right next to each other, you want them to fork slightly. Tie on one piece of black chenille, one piece of yellow chenille, and a long strand of grizzly saddle hackle to the back of the hook. This is where it helps to have size 3/0 thread so that you can tie these three items down tight enough so they don't rotate on the hook. Do not wrap these forward yet. Now 1/4 of the way up the hook shank, attach another strip of the rubber legs. It should be perpendicular to the hook shank. Attach it using figure eight wraps. Attach the rest of the rubber legs using the same method, every 1/4 of a way up the hook. Wrap your thread to the eye of the hook. Now you can wrap your piece of black chenille around the fly and forward to the eye of the hook and tie this down with your thread. The legs can tend to get in the way, but try and distribute the wraps as best as you can around the legs. Now grab the yellow piece of chenille and pull it under the bottom of the hook to the eye of the hook. This yellow piece is not wrapped around the hook, it is one little straight piece on the bottom of the fly. Tie down the yellow piece with your thread and then wrap your hackle forward much like the black chenille. This will help keep the yellow strip in place on the bottom and also give the fly a fuller look. Tie down the hackle and tie off for your finished fly.
Fly Information:
This fly is an attractor fly and is not meant to really imitate anything. When fish hit it this is just a natural reflex for them. For some great action with this fly use it from a boat and throw it towards shore, especially if there are any logs or an undercut bank to throw it under. Casting is very important with this fly, as you need to be inches off of the bank or log to get a strike from a fish. Also with this fly the strikes tend to be very vicious so you may want to use a heavy leader, on some rivers I've fished with people this way using a 20 lb. tippet. This was both for the strikes and the fact that you hook up on the bank a lot. Another popular version of this fly is called the yellow yummy and is a solid yellow color, even the legs. The above version can be changed to any color combination you want, with the body color being brown or olive, and the strip underneath can be red, green, olive, brown, orange, or any color that seems to be popular in your area.