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Flash Nymph
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Hook: Wet Fly #12-#18
Thread: Matches Body Color 6/0
Head: Gold, Copper or Brass Beadhead
Body: Antron Dubbing (Tan, Brown, Grey)
Body Case: Razzle Dazzle Fly Body Wrap
Tying Instructions:
First before you tie on your line, slip the bead on to the hook. You may have to bend the barb to do this, especially with smaller flies. Then cut three strips of Razzle Dazzle body wrap that is a little longer than your hook shank. Tie down these three strips where you normally tie down a tail. Tie on these three strips so that they are distributed around the hook as best as you can with the long pieces sticking out like a tail. Now get the color of Antron dubbing you want to use and tie it down over the top of where you tied down the body wrap. Wrap the antron up the hook shank, trying to give it a tapered look until you get to the beadhead and tie it down. Then grab your body wrap pieces and pull them over the top of the body, tying them down just below the beadhead. Make sure to distribute your body wrap around your fly so as to cover as much of the fly as you can with your 3 strips. Now tie off and apply a dab of glue for your finished fly.
Fly Information:
This is a fly that I created on my own and have used with good luck. It can be used in several different ways and can be fished at any time of the year. I have had the best luck during the spring when the water is high and muddy. I usually fish this fly dead drifted with an indicator attached to the line. It can also be fished as a streamer pattern. I have never tried tying it in larger sizes to use it as a streamer but I know the smaller size works. If you try using this fly I would like to hear from you. I don't care if it didn't do you any good or not, any feedback would be appreciated. Mostly I have caught brown trout with it, but pretty much any form of freshwater trout has been caught at one time or another with this fly.