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Elk Wing Emerger
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Tied by George Vincent for the Dry Fly Swap
Hook: Dry Fly #14-#20
Thread: Tan 6/0
Body: Tan Super Fine Dubbing
Wing: Elk Body Hair
Tail:Ringneck Pheasant Tail Fibers
Tying Instructions:
First tie on your tan thread. Move the thread to where the hook starts to bend and attach several pheasant tail fibers for a tail. Then dub the body forward using a tan dubbing material. Dub just barely past the halfway point on the hook shank. Here you are going to attach the elk hair but for now you want it sticking back. This elk hair will be folded over the top later on, make sure it is the correct lenght. Look at the picture to get an idea of how far past the eye of the hook the elk hair will extend. Dub the head of the fly, making this portion slightly larger than the body. Then pull the elk hair over the head of the fly and attach it just bheind the eye of the hook and tie off.
Fly Information:
This fly is meant to float in the surface film or just below it, depending on where the fish are taking the flies. It can be tied in other colors, such as grey and brown.