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Elk Hair Humpy
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Tied by Steve Clark for the Dry Fly Swap
Hook: Dry Fly #8-#16
Thread: Yellow 6/0
Body: Yellow Antron (or other yellow body dubbing)
           Deer hair pulled over the top
Hackle: Brown Hackle
Wing: Elk Hair
Tying Instructions:
Attach your thread. First of all tie in the tail of elkhair. Then tie on a pinch of deer hair that is going to lie on top of the body. Tie it down just like you did the tail and in the same spot. The length of this hair is very important. After folding the hair over the body this tips will be used to create the wing of the fly, so make sure your hair is long enough, but not too long. Then wrap your body on, I use yellow antron because even though it doesn't float that well, this fly doesn't have a problem floating with all the hair. Use several wraps of your body dubbing and wrap it up to about 2/3 the way up the hook shank. Then pull your elk hair from your over the top of the body dubbing and tie it down just in front where you tied down the body. Wrap several strands of thread around the elk hair here and then do several wraps just in front of the hair so that sticks up. It should now be perpendicular to the hook shank. Now get your brown hackle. Tie it on just in front of the body. Wrap the hackle around with about half in front of the wing and half behind. Tie the hackle down in front then tie off your fly and trim any parts you don't like.
Fly Information:
This is a very good dry fly. You can use this to imitate many hatches. It floats like a cork because of all the elk hair and hackle. You can tie your body in different colors and red is a popular one, but I believe that the yellow humpy is the best. I've had luck with this fly mostly in the summer or fall. Once the fish get pickier it is wise to go with a slightly smaller sized hook. This is a fairly easy fly to tie even in the smaller sizes.