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BWO Emerger

BWO Emerger
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Tied by Jeff Frye for the Emerger Swap

Hook: Dry Fly #14-#24
Thread: Olive 6/0
Body: Blue Wing Olive Dubbing
Shuck: White CDC
Wing: White CDC

Tying Instructions:
First attach your thread to the hook. For the emerger shuck and wing use quality CDC feathers. Begin by selecting medium sized feathers (natural dun or medium dun color). Strip feather barbules from both sides of the quill and tie them on the rear of the hook, almost like a tail. Now dub the body forward with blue wing olive dubbing or a similar olive dubbing. Dub to about 3/4 the way up the hook. Now take some more CDC feathers and attach a wing in much the same fashion as the ones attached for the tail. The only difference is the wing CDC fibers should stick up at about a 45 degree angle. Now tie off your thread for the finished fly.

Fly Information:
First of all BWO stands for Blue Wing Olive and CDC stands for Cul De Canard. The blue wing olive is a popular fly in the summer to late fall and cul de canard is referring to the particular feathers of a duck that that are near the areas that secrete the fluid responsible for helping a duck float. Flies that contain these type of feathers are NOT to be greased with floatant. The blue wing olive flies are very popular in Europe. They are hard to fish because they are mostly under the water and it is hard to see when you get a strike. However this particular fly is white so that helps visibility. fish seem to love them. These flies are to be used when the fish are just "sipping" on the water and not "jumping" for dry flies.