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Tied by Paul MacDonald for the Dry Fly Swap

Hook: Dry Fly #12-#18
Thread: Hot Orange 8/0
Body: Underfur from snowshoe hare's foot.
Wing: Snoeshoe Hare
Tail: Shoeshoe Hare

Tying Instructions:
Tie on your orange thread first. Now get some of the kinky hair from the rear portion of the hare's foot for the tail. Tie down the tail material and then dub the body. The body material is the underfur from the snoeshoe hare. Dub it forward about 3/4 of the way. Then using the same material you used for the tail of the fly tie in a wing. The wing should stand up and then tie off your thread.

Fly Information:
This is a simple fly to tie because it really only takes one material to tie it. This fly was introduced by Fran Betters and is intended to imitate mayfly hatches. It floats very well and is very useful in fast water. Personally I think the look of this fly should give it the name the "Unusual", it looks anything but usual to me.