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Hit Fly

Hit Fly
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Hook: Streamer #1/0-#8
Thread: Black 3/0
Head: Red Marabou
Body: Silver Tinsel
Tail: Yellow Marabou
Wing: Krystal Flash
       Pearl Flash
Eyes:(optional) Gold eyes

Tying Instructions:
If you want to weight these down, make sure you wrap on your lead first. After this tie on your tail, a good healthy amount of yellow Marabou. Attach your tinsel in the same location as the tail and wrap the thread up to just before the eye of the hook. Then carefully wrap the tinsel to the eye of the hook also. Then tie in the wing material, using about half of each. Then tie in the head material just in front of the wing. Make sure to use a healthy portion of red marabou for the head and tie off the fly.

Fly Information:
This fly is very easy and quick to tie. I have changed a few parts of this fly from the first time I found it on the internet. It is important to use lots of marabou, remember to keep in mind when this fly gets wet the marabou will not look so fluffy. The marabou of this fly gives it great action and the flash attracts the fish. I like to use half Krystal flash and half Pearl Flash to give the fly a little differnt look and attraction to it.